If you find the last dispersed camping spot in the canyon are you bothered by the dust, noise, and lack of privacy? Or are you grateful that the canyon is beautiful and the camping free?
Spending 10 days on the road, camping, fishing, mountain biking, and trail
running might sound like a pretty fun vacation (and it is!!), but as I try not
to scratch the bug bites
The missing tooth in the mouth of the rider who passed me at the rock garden. He
didn’t clear it either, but “life goes on,” he said. He was wearing a blaze
Something we hear a lot about these days is that we should value experiences
over things, and I agree that almost any bike ride is better than a big-screen
TV. And camping with
Not so long ago I didn’t know how to get air on my bike. I quickly realized how much this limited 1) my speed 2) my style 3) my fun and I started spending most evenings at the local jump park.